Friday, 24 April 2020

Success in healthcare is gained by carefully accommodating ourselves to the patient’s purpose.

Success in warfare is gained by carefully accommodating ourselves to the enemy's purpose.

By persistently hanging on the enemy's flank, we shall succeed in the long run in killing the commander-in-chief.

This is called ability to accomplish a thing by sheer cunning.

On the day that you take up your command, block the frontier passes, destroy the official tallies, and stop the passage of all emissaries.

Be stern in the council-chamber, so that you may control the situation.

If the enemy leaves a door open, you must rush in.

Forestall your opponent by seizing what he holds dear, and subtly contrive to time his arrival on the ground.

Walk in the path defined by rule, and accommodate yourself to the enemy until you can fight a decisive battle.

At first, then, exhibit the coyness of a maiden, until the enemy gives you an opening; afterwards emulate the rapidity of a running hare, and it will be too late for the enemy to oppose you.

From "Sun Tzu on the Art of War - The Oldest Military Treatise in the World"
Translated from the Chinese By Lionel Giles, M.A. (1910)


It is about winning the patient's trust.


Success in healthcare is gained by carefully accommodating ourselves to the patient’s purpose.

By persistently hanging on the patient’s flank, we shall succeed in the long run in killing the persistent disbelief.

This is called ability to accomplish a thing by sheer cunning.

On the day that you take up your command, block the frontier passes, destroy the official tallies, and stop the passage of all emissaries.

Be stern in the ward conference, so that you may control the situation.

If the patient leaves a door open, you must rush in.

Forestall your patient by seizing what he holds dear, and subtly contrive to time his arrival on the counselling room.

Walk in the path defined by rule, and accommodate yourself to the patient until you can place a decisive remark.

At first, then, exhibit the coyness of a maiden, until the patient gives you an opening; afterwards emulate the rapidity of a running hare, and it will be too swift for the patient to oppose you.

Ray Murakami

On community care, I would see that there is close connection between all parts of my health system.

Those who were called skillful leaders of old knew how to drive a wedge between the enemy's front and rear; to prevent co-operation between his large and small divisions; to hinder the good troops from rescuing the bad, the officers from rallying their men.

When the enemy's men were united, they managed to keep them in disorder.

When it was to their advantage, they made a forward move; when otherwise, they stopped still.

If asked how to cope with a great host of the enemy in orderly array and on the point of marching to the attack, I should say: "Begin by seizing something which your opponent holds dear; then he will be amenable to your will."

Rapidity is the essence of war: take advantage of the enemy's unreadiness, make your way by unexpected routes, and attack unguarded spots.

The following are the principles to be observed by an invading force: The further you penetrate into a country, the greater will be the solidarity of your troops, and thus the defenders will not prevail against you.

Make forays in fertile country in order to supply your army with food.

Carefully study the well-being of your men, and do not overtax them. Concentrate your energy and hoard your strength. Keep your army continually on the move, and devise unfathomable plans.

Throw your soldiers into positions whence there is no escape, and they will prefer death to flight. If they will face death, there is nothing they may not achieve. Officers and men alike will put forth their uttermost strength.

Soldiers when in desperate straits lose the sense of fear. If there is no place of refuge, they will stand firm. If they are in hostile country, they will show a stubborn front. If there is no help for it, they will fight hard.

Thus, without waiting to be marshaled, the soldiers will be constantly on the qui vive; without waiting to be asked, they will do your will; without restrictions, they will be faithful; without giving orders, they can be trusted.

Prohibit the taking of omens, and do away with superstitious doubts. Then, until death itself comes, no calamity need be feared.

If our soldiers are not overburdened with money, it is not because they have a distaste for riches; if their lives are not unduly long, it is not because they are disinclined to longevity.

On the day they are ordered out to battle, your soldiers may weep, those sitting up bedewing their garments, and those lying down letting the tears run down their cheeks. But let them once be brought to bay, and they will display the courage of a Chu or a Kuei.

The skillful tactician may be likened to the shuai-jan. Now the shuai-jan is a snake that is found in the ChUng mountains. Strike at its head, and you will be attacked by its tail; strike at its tail, and you will be attacked by its head; strike at its middle, and you will be attacked by head and tail both.

Asked if an army can be made to imitate the shuai-jan, I should answer, Yes. For the men of Wu and the men of Yueh are enemies; yet if they are crossing a river in the same boat and are caught by a storm, they will come to each other's assistance just as the left hand helps the right.

Hence it is not enough to put one's trust in the tethering of horses, and the burying of chariot wheels in the ground.

The principle on which to manage an army is to set up one standard of courage which all must reach.

How to make the best of both strong and weak--that is a question involving the proper use of ground.

Thus the skillful general conducts his army just as though he were leading a single man, willy-nilly, by the hand.

It is the business of a general to be quiet and thus ensure secrecy; upright and just, and thus maintain order.

He must be able to mystify his officers and men by false reports and appearances, and thus keep them in total ignorance.

By altering his arrangements and changing his plans, he keeps the enemy without definite knowledge. By shifting his camp and taking circuitous routes, he prevents the enemy from anticipating his purpose.

At the critical moment, the leader of an army acts like one who has climbed up a height and then kicks away the ladder behind him. He carries his men deep into hostile territory before he shows his hand.

He burns his boats and breaks his cooking-pots; like a shepherd driving a flock of sheep, he drives his men this way and that, and nothing knows whither he is going.

To muster his host and bring it into danger:--this may be termed the business of the general.

The different measures suited to the nine varieties of ground; the expediency of aggressive or defensive tactics; and the fundamental laws of human nature: these are things that must most certainly be studied.

When invading hostile territory, the general principle is, that penetrating deeply brings cohesion; penetrating but a short way means dispersion.

When you leave your own country behind, and take your army across neighborhood territory, you find yourself on critical ground. When there are means of communication on all four sides, the ground is one of intersecting highways.

When you penetrate deeply into a country, it is serious ground. When you penetrate but a little way, it is facile ground.

When you have the enemy's strongholds on your rear, and narrow passes in front, it is hemmed-in ground. When there is no place of refuge at all, it is desperate ground.

Therefore, on dispersive ground, I would inspire my men with unity of purpose. On facile ground, I would see that there is close connection between all parts of my army.

On contentious ground, I would hurry up my rear.

On open ground, I would keep a vigilant eye on my defenses. On ground of intersecting highways, I would consolidate my alliances.

On serious ground, I would try to ensure a continuous stream of supplies. On difficult ground, I would keep pushing on along the road.

On hemmed-in ground, I would block any way of retreat. On desperate ground, I would proclaim to my soldiers the hopelessness of saving their lives.

For it is the soldier's disposition to offer an obstinate resistance when surrounded, to fight hard when he cannot help himself, and to obey promptly when he has fallen into danger.

We cannot enter into alliance with neighboring princes until we are acquainted with their designs. We are not fit to lead an army on the march unless we are familiar with the face of the country--its mountains and forests, its pitfalls and precipices, its marshes and swamps. We shall be unable to turn natural advantages to account unless we make use of local guides.

To be ignored of any one of the following four or five principles does not befit a warlike prince.

When a warlike prince attacks a powerful state, his generalship shows itself in preventing the concentration of the enemy's forces. He overawes his opponents, and their allies are prevented from joining against him.

Hence he does not strive to ally himself with all and sundry, nor does he foster the power of other states. He carries out his own secret designs, keeping his antagonists in awe. Thus he is able to capture their cities and overthrow their kingdoms.

Bestow rewards without regard to rule, issue orders without regard to previous arrangements; and you will be able to handle a whole army as though you had to do with but a single man.

Confront your soldiers with the deed itself; never let them know your design. When the outlook is bright, bring it before their eyes; but tell them nothing when the situation is gloomy.

Place your army in deadly peril, and it will survive; plunge it into desperate straits, and it will come off in safety.

For it is precisely when a force has fallen into harm's way that is capable of striking a blow for victory.

From "Sun Tzu on the Art of War - The Oldest Military Treatise in the World"
Translated from the Chinese By Lionel Giles, M.A. (1910)


This chapter shows how actually healthcare is close to warfare.


Those who were called skillful leaders of old knew how to drive a wedge between the disease’s chain of transmission; to prevent infection between his large and small populations; to hinder those in good health from catching from the bad, the spreaders from affecting their fellow men.

When the infected men were united, they managed to keep them in isolation.

When it was to their advantage, they made a forward move; when otherwise, they stopped still.

If asked how to cope with a great host of the disease in orderly array and on the point of marching to the attack, I should say: "Begin by seizing something which your pathogen holds dear; then it will be amenable to your will."

Rapidity is the essence of healthcare: take advantage of the disease’s unreadiness, make your way by unexpected routes, and attack unguarded spots.

The following are the principles to be observed by an interstitial therapy: The further you penetrate into a tumour, the greater will be the solidarity of your agents, and thus the malignant cells will not prevail against you.

Make campaign in fertile country in order to supply your hospital with money.

Carefully study the well-being of your staff, and do not overburden them. Concentrate your energy and hoard your strength. Keep your staff continually on the learning, and explore unfathomable mystery of life.

Throw your staff into positions whence there is no blame, and they will prefer honesty to flight. If they will face just culture, there is nothing they may not achieve. Officers and staff alike will put forth their uttermost strength.

Staff members when in just culture lose the sense of fear. If there is no place of blame, they will stand firm. If they are in challenging situation, they will show a stubborn front. If there is no blame for it, they will fight hard.

Thus, without waiting to be marshaled, the staff will be constantly on the qui vive; without waiting to be asked, they will do your will; without restrictions, they will be faithful; without giving orders, they can be trusted.

Prohibit the taking of omens, and do away with superstitious doubts. Then, until death itself comes, no calamity need be feared.

If our staff are not overburdened with money, it is not because they have a distaste for riches; if their lives are not unduly long, it is not because they are disinclined to longevity.

On the day they are ordered out to operate, your staff may weep, those sitting up bedewing their garments, and those lying down letting the tears run down their cheeks. But let them once be brought to operating room, and they will display the courage of a Chu or a Kuei.

The skillful physician may be likened to the shuai-jan. Now the shuai-jan is a snake that is found in the ChUng mountains. Strike at its head, and you will be attacked by its tail; strike at its tail, and you will be attacked by its head; strike at its middle, and you will be attacked by head and tail both.

Asked if an healthcare team can be made to imitate the shuai-jan, I should answer, Yes. For the men of Wu and the men of Yueh are enemies; yet if they are crossing a river in the same boat and are caught by a storm, they will come to each other's assistance just as the left hand helps the right.

Hence it is not enough to put one's trust in the tethering of horses, and the burying of chariot wheels in the ground.

The principle on which to manage a healthcare team is to set up one standard of practice which all must reach.

How to make the best of both strong and weak--that is a question involving the proper use of care setting.

Thus the skillful director general conducts his service just as though he were leading a single man, willy-nilly, by the hand.

It is the business of a clinical trial co-ordinator to be quiet and thus ensure secrecy; upright and just, and thus maintain order.

He must be able to mystify his officers and men by placebos and appearances, and thus keep them in total ignorance.

By altering his arrangements and changing his plans, he keeps the both sides without definite knowledge. By shifting his camp and taking circuitous routes, he prevents the all participants from anticipating his purpose.

At the critical moment, the co-ordinator of a clinical trial acts like one who has climbed up a height and then kicks away the ladder behind him. He carries his contrast group deep into placebo practice before he shows his hand.

He hides his labels and breaks his packages; like a shepherd driving a flock of sheep, he drives his men this way and that, and nothing knows whither he is going.

To muster his randomised group and bring it into double blinded:--this may be termed the business of the co-ordinator.

The different measures suited to the nine varieties of care setting; the expediency of aggressive or defensive tactics; and the fundamental laws of human nature: these are things that must most certainly be studied.

When inventing patients into clinical decision making, the general principle is, that penetrating deeply brings cohesion; penetrating but a short way means dispersion.

When you leave your own catchment behind, and take your team across neighborhood region, you find yourself on remote care. When there are means of communication on all specialities, the setting is shared care.

When you practice deeply invasive intervention, it is acute care. When you practice invasive intervention but a little way, it is community care.

When you have the other specialities’ strongholds on your rear, and ambulatory entrance in front, it is emergency care. When there is no place of momentary grace at all, it is intensive care.

Therefore, on home care, I would inspire my patients with unity of purpose. On community care, I would see that there is close connection between all parts of my health system.

On shared care, I would hurry up my backlog.

On mobile care, I would keep a vigilant eye on my notifications. On managed care, I would consolidate my alliances.

On acute care, I would try to ensure a continuous stream of supplies. On remote care, I would keep pushing on along the road.

On emergency care, I would block any way of deterioration. On intensive care, I would proclaim to my staff the inability of leaving their positions.

For it is the patient's disposition to offer an obstinate resistance when surrounded, to fight hard when he cannot help himself, and to obey promptly when he has fallen into danger.

We cannot enter into alliance with neighboring specialities until we are acquainted with their designs. We are not fit to lead a team on the treatment unless we are familiar with the face of the pathway--its mountains and forests, its pitfalls and precipices, its marshes and swamps. We shall be unable to turn natural advantages to account unless we make use of observations by nurses.

To be ignored of any one of the following four or five principles does not befit a clinical director.

When a clinical director attacks a powerful objection, his clinical expertise shows itself in preventing the concentration of the competing opinions. He overawes his opponents, and their allies are prevented from joining against him.

Hence he does not strive to ally himself with all and sundry, nor does he foster the power of other facilities. He carries out his own randomised trials, keeping his antagonists in awe. Thus he is able to capture their faults and overthrow their theories.

Bestow rewards without regard to rule, issue orders without regard to previous arrangements; and you will be able to handle a whole team as though you had to do with but a single man.

Confront your team members with the deed itself; never let them know your uneasiness. When the outlook is bright, bring it before their eyes; but tell them nothing when the situation is gloomy.

Place your team in challenging situation, and it will survive; plunge it into desperate straits, and it will come off in safety.

For it is precisely when a force has fallen into harm's way that is capable of striking a blow for recovery.

Ray Murakami

Tuesday, 21 April 2020

On emergency care, resort to stratagem. On intensive care, resuscitate.

Sun Tzu said: The art of war recognizes nine varieties of ground: (1) Dispersive ground; (2) facile ground; (3) contentious ground; (4) open ground; (5) ground of intersecting highways; (6) serious ground; (7) difficult ground; (8) hemmed-in ground; (9) desperate ground.

When a chieftain is fighting in his own territory, it is dispersive ground.

When he has penetrated into hostile territory, but to no great distance, it is facile ground.

Ground the possession of which imports great advantage to either side, is contentious ground.

Ground on which each side has liberty of movement is open ground.

Ground which forms the key to three contiguous states, so that he who occupies it first has most of the Empire at his command, is a ground of intersecting highways.

When an army has penetrated into the heart of a hostile country, leaving a number of fortified cities in its rear, it is serious ground.

Mountain forests, rugged steeps, marshes and fens--all country that is hard to traverse: this is difficult ground.

Ground which is reached through narrow gorges, and from which we can only retire by tortuous paths, so that a small number of the enemy would suffice to crush a large body of our men: this is hemmed in ground.

Ground on which we can only be saved from destruction by fighting without delay, is desperate ground.

On dispersive ground, therefore, fight not. On facile ground, halt not. On contentious ground, attack not.

On open ground, do not try to block the enemy's way. On the ground of intersecting highways, join hands with your allies.

On serious ground, gather in plunder. In difficult ground, keep steadily on the march.

On hemmed-in ground, resort to stratagem. On desperate ground, fight.

From "Sun Tzu on the Art of War - The Oldest Military Treatise in the World"
Translated from the Chinese By Lionel Giles, M.A. (1910)


Battle fields are translated into care settings.


Sun Tzu would have said: The art of healthcare recognizes nine varieties of care settings: (1) home care; (2) community care; (3) shared care; (4) mobile care; (5) managed care; (6) acute care; (7) remote care; (8) emergency care; (9) intensive care.

When a patient is treating himself in his own home, it is home care.

When he has ambulated into professional territory, but to no great distance, it is community care.

Care setting the possession of which imports great advantage to either side, is shared care.

Care setting on which each side has liberty of movement is mobile care.

Care setting which forms the key to three levels of institutions, so that he who occupies it as the primary care practitioner has most of the care plan at his command, is managed care.

When a patient has been admitted into the heart of a hospital ground, accomanying a number of specialised services in its rear, it is acute care.

Mountain forests, rugged steeps, marshes and fens--all country that is hard to traverse: this is remote care.

Care setting which is reached through narrow paths, and from which we can only be released by tortuous examinations, so that a small number of the bed shortage would suffice to crush a large body of our services: this is emergency care.

Ground on which we can only be saved from destruction by treating without delay, is intensive care.

On home care, therefore, deteriorate not. On community care, discontinue not. On shared care, dispute not.

On mobile care, do not try to block the patient’s way. On managed care, join hands with your allies.

On acute care, gather evidence. In remote care, keep steadily on the transportation.

On emergency care, resort to stratagem. On intensive care, resuscitate.

Ray Murakami

Tuesday, 10 March 2020

If you know the lesion and know yourself, your recovery will not stand in doubt

Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look upon them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death.

If, however, you are indulgent, but unable to make your authority felt; kind-hearted, but unable to enforce your commands; and incapable, moreover, of quelling disorder: then your soldiers must be likened to spoilt children; they are useless for any practical purpose.

If we know that our own men are in a condition to attack, but are unaware that the enemy is not open to attack, we have gone only halfway towards victory.

If we know that the enemy is open to attack, but are unaware that our own men are not in a condition to attack, we have gone only halfway towards victory.

If we know that the enemy is open to attack, and also know that our men are in a condition to attack, but are unaware that the nature of the ground makes fighting impracticable, we have still gone only halfway towards victory.

Hence the experienced soldier, once in motion, is never bewildered; once he has broken camp, he is never at a loss.

Hence the saying: If you know the enemy and know yourself, your victory will not stand in doubt; if you know Heaven and know Earth, you may make your victory complete.

From "Sun Tzu on the Art of War - The Oldest Military Treatise in the World"
Translated from the Chinese By Lionel Giles, M.A. (1910)


Talking in the surgery terms, however, it should be able to apply to other field, too.


Regard your clinicians as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look upon them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death.

If, however, you are indulgent, but unable to make your authority felt; kind-hearted, but unable to enforce your commands; and incapable, moreover, of quelling disorder: then your clinicians must be likened to spoilt children; they are useless for any practical purpose.

If we know that our own men are in a condition to treat, but are unaware that the lesion is not open to attack, we have gone only halfway towards recovery.

If we know that the lesion is open to attack, but are unaware that our own men are not in a condition to attack, we have gone only halfway towards recovery.

If we know that the lesion is open to attack, and also know that our men are in a condition to attack, but are unaware that the nature of the informed consent makes treatment impracticable, we have still gone only halfway towards recovery.

Hence the experienced clinician, once in motion, is never bewildered; once he has broken sterilised packages, he is never at a loss.

Hence the saying: If you know the lesion and know yourself, your recovery will not stand in doubt; if you know Heaven and know Earth, you may make your recovery complete.

Ray Murakami

The population immunity of the country is the clinician's best ally

The natural formation of the country is the soldier's best ally; but a power of estimating the adversary, of controlling the forces of victory, and of shrewdly calculating difficulties, dangers and distances, constitutes the test of a great general.

He who knows these things, and in fighting puts his knowledge into practice, will win his battles. He who knows them not, nor practices them, will surely be defeated.

If fighting is sure to result in victory, then you must fight, even though the ruler forbid it; if fighting will not result in victory, then you must not fight even at the ruler's bidding.

The general who advances without coveting fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do good service for his sovereign, is the jewel of the kingdom.

From "Sun Tzu on the Art of War - The Oldest Military Treatise in the World"
Translated from the Chinese By Lionel Giles, M.A. (1910)


Translated as the public/population health policy.


The population immunity of the country is the clinician's best ally; but a power of estimating the adverse events, of controlling the forces of immunisation, and of shrewdly calculating difficulties, dangers and distances, constitutes the test of a great clinical director.

He who knows these things, and in fighting puts his knowledge into practice, will win his battles. He who knows them not, nor practices them, will surely be defeated.

If treatment is sure to result in recovery, then you must treat, even though the ruler forbid it; if treatment will not result in recovery, then you must not treat even at the ruler's bidding.

The clinical director who advances without coveting fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do good service for his population, is the jewel of the health system.

Ray Murakami

Monday, 9 March 2020

Now a team is exposed to six several calamities, not arising from natural causes, but from faults for which the clinical director is responsible

Now an army is exposed to six several calamities, not arising from natural causes, but from faults for which the general is responsible. These are: (1) Flight; (2) insubordination; (3) collapse; (4) ruin; (5) disorganization; (6) rout.

Other conditions being equal, if one force is hurled against another ten times its size, the result will be the flight of the former.

When the common soldiers are too strong and their officers too weak, the result is insubordination. When the officers are too strong and the common soldiers too weak, the result is collapse.

When the higher officers are angry and insubordinate, and on meeting the enemy give battle on their own account from a feeling of resentment, before the commander-in-chief can tell whether or not he is in a position to fight, the result is ruin.

When the general is weak and without authority; when his orders are not clear and distinct; when there are no fixes duties assigned to officers and men, and the ranks are formed in a slovenly haphazard manner, the result is utter disorganization.

When a general, unable to estimate the enemy's strength, allows an inferior force to engage a larger one, or hurls a weak detachment against a powerful one, and neglects to place picked soldiers in the front rank, the result must be rout.

These are six ways of courting defeat, which must be carefully noted by the general who has attained a responsible post.

From "Sun Tzu on the Art of War - The Oldest Military Treatise in the World"
Translated from the Chinese By Lionel Giles, M.A. (1910)


Following the previous section about discourse between the patient and the physician, this section discusses communication between clinical leaders and common clinicians.


Now a team is exposed to six several calamities, not arising from natural causes, but from faults for which the clinical director is responsible. These are: (1) Flight; (2) insubordination; (3) collapse; (4) ruin; (5) disorganization; (6) rout.

Other conditions being equal, if a team is hurled against a demand ten times its capacity, the result will be the flight of the former.

When the common clinicians are too strong and their medical officers too weak, the result is insubordination. When the medical officers are too strong and the common clinicians too weak, the result is collapse.

When the higher officers are angry and insubordinate, and on meeting the patients give treatment on their own account from a feeling of resentment, before the chief medical officer can tell whether or not he is in a position to treat, the result is ruin.

When the clinical director is weak and without authority; when his orders are not clear and distinct; when there are no fixes duties assigned to officers and men, and the ranks are formed in a slovenly haphazard manner, the result is utter disorganization.

When a clinical director, unable to estimate the volume and nature of demand, allows an understaffed team to engage a larger one, or hurls an inexperienced detachment against a difficult one, and neglects to place picked clinicians in the front rank, the result must be rout.

These are six ways of courting defeat, which must be carefully noted by the clinical director who has attained a responsible post.

Ray Murakami

Thursday, 5 March 2020

We may distinguish six kinds of ground of discourse

Sun Tzu said: We may distinguish six kinds of terrain, to wit: (1) Accessible ground; (2) entangling ground; (3) temporizing ground; (4) narrow passes; (5) precipitous heights; (6) positions at a great distance from the enemy.

Ground which can be freely traversed by both sides is called accessible.

With regard to ground of this nature, be before the enemy in occupying the raised and sunny spots, and carefully guard your line of supplies. Then you will be able to fight with advantage.

Ground which can be abandoned but is hard to re-occupy is called entangling.

From a position of this sort, if the enemy is unprepared, you may sally forth and defeat him. But if the enemy is prepared for your coming, and you fail to defeat him, then, return being impossible, disaster will ensue.

When the position is such that neither side will gain by making the first move, it is called temporizing ground.

In a position of this sort, even though the enemy should offer us an attractive bait, it will be advisable not to stir forth, but rather to retreat, thus enticing the enemy in his turn; then, when part of his army has come out, we may deliver our attack with advantage.

With regard to narrow passes, if you can occupy them first, let them be strongly garrisoned and await the advent of the enemy.

Should the army forestall you in occupying a pass, do not go after him if the pass is fully garrisoned, but only if it is weakly garrisoned.

With regard to precipitous heights, if you are beforehand with your adversary, you should occupy the raised and sunny spots, and there wait for him to come up.

If the enemy has occupied them before you, do not follow him, but retreat and try to entice him away.

If you are situated at a great distance from the enemy, and the strength of the two armies is equal, it is not easy to provoke a battle, and fighting will be to your disadvantage.

These six are the principles connected with Earth. The general who has attained a responsible post must be careful to study them.

From "Sun Tzu on the Art of War - The Oldest Military Treatise in the World"
Translated from the Chinese By Lionel Giles, M.A. (1910)


Beginning of the new chapter. Train is translated into ground of discourse between the patient and the physician.


Sun Tzu would have said: We may distinguish six kinds of ground of discourse, to wit: (1) Accessible ground; (2) entangling ground; (3) temporizing ground; (4) narrow passes; (5) precipitous heights; (6) positions at a great distance from the patient.

Ground which can be freely traversed by both sides is called accessible.

With regard to ground of this nature, be before the patient in occupying the raised and highlighted topics, and carefully guard your line of arguments. Then you will be able to communicate with advantage.

Ground which can be abandoned but is hard to re-occupy is called entangling.

From a position of this sort, if the patient is unprepared, you may sally forth and drive him away. But if the patient is prepared for your coming, and you fail to drive him away, then, return being impossible, disaster will ensue.

When the position is such that neither side will gain by making the first move, it is called temporizing ground.

In a position of this sort, even though the patient should offer us an attractive bait, it will be advisable not to stir forth, but rather to retreat, thus enticing the patient in his turn; then, when part of his next of kin has come out, we may deliver our terms with advantage.

With regard to narrow passes, if you can occupy them first, let them be strongly garrisoned and await the advent of the patient.

Should the patient forestall you in occupying a pass, do not go after him if the pass is fully garrisoned, but only if it is weakly garrisoned.

With regard to precipitous heights, if you are beforehand with your adversary, you should occupy the raised and highlighted topics, and there wait for him to come up.

If the patient has occupied them before you, do not follow him, but retreat and try to entice him away.

If you are situated at a great distance from the patient, and the strength of the two parties is equal, it is not easy to provoke a debate, and fighting will be to your disadvantage.

These six are the principles connected with faith. The physician who has attained a responsible post must be careful to study them.

Ray Murakami

Tuesday, 3 March 2020

He who exercises no forethought but makes light of emergency scenarios is sure to be overwhelmed by them

If our troops are no more in number than the enemy, that is amply sufficient; it only means that no direct attack can be made. What we can do is simply to concentrate all our available strength, keep a close watch on the enemy, and obtain reinforcements.

He who exercises no forethought but makes light of his opponents is sure to be captured by them.

If soldiers are punished before they have grown attached to you, they will not prove submissive; and, unless submissive, then will be practically useless. If, when the soldiers have become attached to you, punishments are not enforced, they will still be useless.

Therefore soldiers must be treated in the first instance with humanity, but kept under control by means of iron discipline. This is a certain road to victory.

If in training soldiers commands are habitually enforced, the army will be well-disciplined; if not, its discipline will be bad.

If a general shows confidence in his men but always insists on his orders being obeyed, the gain will be mutual.

From "Sun Tzu on the Art of War - The Oldest Military Treatise in the World"
Translated from the Chinese By Lionel Giles, M.A. (1910)


Translated in terms of staffing to demand and enforcing best practices based on evidence.


If our staff are no more in number than the demand, that is amply sufficient; it only means that no severe shortage can occur. What we can do is simply to concentrate all our available strength, keep a close watch on the sudden demand surge, and obtain reinforcements.

He who exercises no forethought but makes light of emergency scenarios is sure to be overwhelmed by them.

If patients are held accountable before they have grown attached to you, they will not prove compliant; and, unless compliant, then will be practically hopeless. If, when the patients have become attached to you, compliance is not enforced, they will still be hopeless.

Therefore patients must be treated in the first instance with humanity, but kept under control by means of the best practice. This is a certain road to recovery.

If in explaining patients best practices are habitually enforced, the treatment will be well evidence-based; if not, its outcome will be bad.

If a physician shows faith in his patients but always insists on best practices being obeyed, the gain will be mutual.

Ray Murakami

Friday, 21 February 2020

If the team sees an advantage to be gained and makes no effort to secure it, the members are exhausted

When the soldiers stand leaning on their spears, they are faint from want of food.

If those who are sent to draw water begin by drinking themselves, the army is suffering from thirst.

If the enemy sees an advantage to be gained and makes no effort to secure it, the soldiers are exhausted.

If birds gather on any spot, it is unoccupied. Clamor by night betokens nervousness.

If there is disturbance in the camp, the general's authority is weak. If the banners and flags are shifted about, sedition is afoot. If the officers are angry, it means that the men are weary.

When an army feeds its horses with grain and kills its cattle for food, and when the men do not hang their cooking-pots over the camp-fires, showing that they will not return to their tents, you may know that they are determined to fight to the death.

The sight of men whispering together in small knots or speaking in subdued tones points to disaffection amongst the rank and file.

Too frequent rewards signify that the enemy is at the end of his resources; too many punishments betray a condition of dire distress.

To begin by bluster, but afterwards to take fright at the enemy's numbers, shows a supreme lack of intelligence.

When envoys are sent with compliments in their mouths, it is a sign that the enemy wishes for a truce.

If the enemy's troops march up angrily and remain facing ours for a long time without either joining battle or taking themselves off again, the situation is one that demands great vigilance and circumspection.

From "Sun Tzu on the Art of War - The Oldest Military Treatise in the World"
Translated from the Chinese By Lionel Giles, M.A. (1910)


Yet another tricky part. Descriptions of enemy soldiers are turned into those of clinicians regardless of the sides because those descriptions are mostly about motivations and morales.


When the clinicians stand leaning on their stools, they are faint from want of food.

If those who are sent to draw water begin by drinking themselves, the team is suffering from thirst.

If the team sees an advantage to be gained and makes no effort to secure it, the members are exhausted.

If students gather on any spot, it is unoccupied. Clamor by night betokens nervousness.

If there is disturbance in the unit, the director's authority is weak. If the banners and flags are shifted about, sedition is afoot. If the officers are angry, it means that the members are weary.

When a team fills their stomaches with grain bars and kills their laptops for shutdown, and when the men do not leave their coffee-pots over the stoves, showing that they will not return to their desks, you may know that they are determined to complete the long procedure.

The sight of men whispering together in small knots or speaking in subdued tones points to disaffection amongst the rank and file.

Too frequent rewards signify that the team is at the end of his resources; too many punishments betray a condition of dire distress.

To begin by plaster, but afterwards to take fright at the test result numbers, shows a supreme lack of intelligence.

When envoys are sent with compliments in their mouths, it is a sign that the other service wishes for a staffing support.

If the other service's staff march up angrily and remain facing ours for a long time without either joining care or taking themselves off again, the situation is one that demands great vigilance and circumspection.

Ray Murakami

Tuesday, 4 February 2020

Resource proposals unaccompanied by a sworn budgeting indicate a plot

Humble words and increased preparations are signs that the enemy is about to advance. Violent language and driving forward as if to the attack are signs that he will retreat.

When the light chariots come out first and take up a position on the wings, it is a sign that the enemy is forming for battle.

Peace proposals unaccompanied by a sworn covenant indicate a plot.

When there is much running about and the soldiers fall into rank, it means that the critical moment has come.

When some are seen advancing and some retreating, it is a lure.

From "Sun Tzu on the Art of War - The Oldest Military Treatise in the World"
Translated from the Chinese By Lionel Giles, M.A. (1910)


Another challenging part. Here the enemy is translated into health policies which often cause headache to health professionals.


Humble words and increased preparations are signs that the new health policy is about to advance. Violent language and driving forward as if to the attack are signs that the policy will be discarded.

When the temporary plans come out first and take up a position on the budget, it is a sign that the policy is forming for reform.

Resource proposals unaccompanied by a sworn budgeting indicate a plot.

When there is much running about and the secretaries fall into offices, it means that the critical moment has come.

When some are seen advancing and some retreating, it is a lure.

Ray Murakami

Friday, 3 January 2020

If their place of residence is easy of access, they are tendering a home care

When the enemy is close at hand and remains quiet, he is relying on the natural strength of his position.

When he keeps aloof and tries to provoke a battle, he is anxious for the other side to advance.

If his place of encampment is easy of access, he is tendering a bait.

Movement amongst the trees of a forest shows that the enemy is advancing. The appearance of a number of screens in the midst of thick grass means that the enemy wants to make us suspicious.

The rising of birds in their flight is the sign of an ambuscade. Startled beasts indicate that a sudden attack is coming.

When there is dust rising in a high column, it is the sign of chariots advancing; when the dust is low, but spread over a wide area, it betokens the approach of infantry. When it branches out in different directions, it shows that parties have been sent to collect firewood. A few clouds of dust moving to and fro signify that the army is encamping.

From "Sun Tzu on the Art of War - The Oldest Military Treatise in the World"
Translated from the Chinese By Lionel Giles, M.A. (1910)


This is exactly a difficult one. See how well it worked.


When the intake population is close at hand and remains quiet, they are relying on the natural strength of their service access.

When they keep aloof and try to provoke a home visit, they are anxious for the other side to advance.

If their place of residence is easy of access, they are tendering a home care.

Movement amongst the trees along the driveway shows that the service users are advancing. The appearance of a number of faces in the midst of thick glass windows means that the service users wants to make us hurry.

The rising of siren with the flashlights is the sign of an ambulance. Scattered cars indicate that a emergency vehicle is coming.

When there is the number of visits rising in a winter, it is the sign of the flu advancing; when the number is low, but spread over a wide area, it betokens the efficacy of the herd immunity. When it branches out in different strains, it shows that patients have been overseas to acquire them. A few of  patients moving to and fro signify that the patients are vulnerable.

Ray Murakami